StepHouse's Aftercare

Our Aftercare Program
In addition to our comprehensive rehab treatment programs, StepHouse Recovery offers a wide ranging relapse prevention initiative that includes aftercare services. The most important thing for someone suffering from addiction is this: that relapse is inevitable if one takes no steps to prevent it.
There are, therefore, many objectives that are incorporated into our relapse prevention program. We offer a follow-up service and a standalone treatment plan. Our follow up surveys are conducted (via phone or email according to the client’s preference) at 6 months, and again at 12 months’ post-discharge to secure feedback and reflect on the outcome objectives.

Relapse Prevention treatment is best for those who have undergone addiction treatment and are striving to maintain their recovery gains while developing a lifestyle that supports well-being and sobriety.
-StepHouse Recovery
Relapse occurs when addictive behaviors are resumed after a period of abstinence and is a common part of the recovery process. It’s not atypical for addicts to hit a few rough patches on the road to sobriety and fall into old habits of using, but this isn’t always indicative of a one-way, downward failure.
In fact, many people who are trying to quit often go through one to several relapse cycles before quitting for good. Of course, this isn’t to say that relapse shouldn’t be taken seriously, but any good prevention program should always anticipate these occurrences while factoring them into treatment.
Principles of Relapse Prevention
- Self-regulation and stabilization: Stabilization comes from detox of alcohol and drug addiction, recuperation from associated stress, resolution of interpersonal and situational crises threatening sobriety and establishment of daily structure such as proper diet, exercise, stress management and regular contact with treatment personnel and self help groups.
- Self-regulation: Stabilization brings about your ability to self-regulate thinking, feeling, memory, judgment and behavior. As the risk of relapse is highest during this period of stabilization, it’s most advantageous to be in a controlled environment.
- Integration and self-assessment: While understanding and acceptance grows, the risk of relapse further decreases. This is the period of time when it’s important to explore the situations, events and triggers that may have led to relapse in the past.
- Understanding and relapse education: As you learn about what general factors cause relapse, your ability to avoid relapse increases.
There are many other principles that may be incorporated into a relapse prevention plan. The most important thing for an individual suffering from addiction is that relapse is inevitable if one takes no steps to prevent it.
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